Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Some trans-atlantic awesome

Time Travelling with Needles is a fab blog from an American reenactor and SCA sort.

Though not especially plus-size, she definitely fits into the normal human not model category, and her fitted dresses especially are a revealation that such things aren't confined to teeny tiny people.

I think this picture is my favourite.

She also makes things for various of her friends and customers that she re-enacts with, as well as shoes and hats and all that sort of thing, so she's an inspiration for all sorts of medieval/renaissance goodness.

This is another awesome lady of the SCA, again making period fitted garments in a plus size sort of shape.

This is a picture of her standard cotehardie which i particularly like.

1 comment:

  1. The Travelling with Needles lady just looks so full of energy and enthusiastic she is fab.
